The training program at the level of Divemaster is distinguished by its central theme is not diving, but a beginner diver and divemaster effort of the future is not further improve the diving, learning how to supervise, solve dives and other crisis situations and in collaboration with the instructor to teach. Assuming perfect mastery of previous training stages and huge enthusiasm and willingness to support others and at the cost of his own comfort. Are useful for the DM and the knowledge and permission of the compressors, and vessels under management ...
Certification and Diploma DIVEMASTER is a globally recognized qualification. Opens doors for business stays in coastal diving bases and qualified assistance in the home of diving clubs. We consider it our responsibility to future DM train with full commitment and not leave to chance their skills or experience. And so it is a matter of course at least 4 weeks (intensive 14 days), during this time with an instructor participate in normal activities related to the organization of diving centers, planning tours and training new divers. It is a course for people who want to learn more about diving, become a guide other divers right hand during the course instructor and protector of the underwater environment ... anywhere in the world…
For more information about the course please do not hesitate to contact personally, Divemaster course is a very specific course where you will learn a lot of new information and can not be described in a few words. Further, informing you of the requirements for graduation Divemaster course you have to meet and inform you how the course is and what it includes. The primary requirement for the course is a course RESCUE DIVER.

Dive travel it is

professional instructors
Our experienced instructors teach the PADI and IANTD and in CZ, Thailand, Bali, in Egypt. They have a certified hundreds of students.

We offer a variety of affordable accommodation, but always at a high level that you were particularly pleased you and us persona

With us you will experience adventures both above water and underwater, including trips to James Bond Island or Phi Phi Island.